During the olden days people did not use toothbrushes and kept their mouths dirty They thought it didn't matter if they brushed or not. A lot of them didn't even know that it caused many sicknesses and diseases from the germs in their mouths and at times it even caused death Our last prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam used a miswak or a toothbrush to keep his mouth clean and told all of the Muslims to do the same before every prayer in his hadith recorded by Muslim and Bukhari. At that time the prophets used a chew stick which is mostly known as a miswak or as a siwak A miswak is a toothbrush that can be made from the twigs of any trees that aren't poisonous but is usually made from the Arak tree. 

Tooth paste is not needed for miswaks because it has natural substances that fight bacteria so our teeth don't decay or so we don't get g the um diseases Miswaks also contains fluoride which is an important substance that is put in our toothpaste Miswaks also has a substance called silica, which makes our teeth white Miswaks can keep our teeth clean, white, and make our breaths smell good And as a bonus, it also does not harm the earth like the plastic toothbrushes most of us use now After Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the Muslims to use the miswak or toothbrush, that is when the first toothbrush became popular and spread 

Even some of the non-muslims that didn't use the miswak or toothbrush before also started using it because they saw the benefits of using the amazing miswak from the Muslims Because Muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam spread word of the miswak, millions of Muslims non-Muslims over time got saved from sicknesses and diseases caused by the germs of the mouth By our all-time greatest hero, Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihe wasalam the miswak or the toothbrush became popular and saved millions of people throughout time and even to this day Muslims and non-Muslims from all of the world still use it today May Allah subhana, WA Ta'ala grant Muhammad sallallahu alayhi assalam and his family the highest place in Jannah. Ameen

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