Many many years ago. There was a place in time when there were no clocks as the years went by People came up with clocks and different ideas to tell time but the problem with these inventions though was that the time was never completely accurate but This all changed during Islam's golden ages around the 12th century with a great Muslim brother al-jazari al-jazari Created the most accurate clocks at that time and the clocks that he created Even showed how many minutes had passed in the hour This was out of the question for most people at that time Since other clocks never showed how many minutes had passed by One of his greatest clocks was the castle clock this clock was 10 feet wide and 11 feet tall there was a Zodiac Dial 12 small doors and 12 small dials that lit up After every hour since the Sun rose there was a moon that would move as the minutes passed by and There were two Falcons and five life-size musicians that made sounds or music when an hour passed by Al-Jazari, also wanted to show respect to the other Scientists from different cultures, so he built his elephant clock all of the designs on the clock Represented a different culture. 

For an example, the elephant represented india and africa While the dragons represented china the other things in the clock also represented other cultures. This clock showed that Islam respects other cultures from all over the world Al-jazari was also very special Because he took basic engineering concepts to solve a complex problem Al-Jazari was actually the first person to make a fully Automated device he also made a lot of other mechanical inventions in his lifetime and came up with a lot of new engineering concepts that changed our world forever And a lot of the scientists didn't like sharing their full knowledge at that time because they thought it would make them greater Al-Jazari was the complete opposite He decided to make a book called the book of knowledge of ingenious mechanical devices in that book 

Al-Jazari put a lot of his inventions and concepts in Details, so the future generations could take engineering to the next level He made sure that Complex and hard engineering could be shown in a beautiful artistic and imaginary way he is now known as the master engineer and the father of robotics Let's all ask Allah to give our brother al-jazari the highest place in Jannah for making a difference in this world by sharing his amazing concepts and inventions Ameen.

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